We love presenting puppetry workshops for kids and adults especially on marionettes. Below are some of our most popular workshops. If you don’t see what you are looking for, feel free to contact us.
Easy Marionettes

Penguin Marionette
This little fellow has only three strings, but he can waddle with the best of them. For a special surprise, his head can fly up, away from his body.

Two String Horse Marionette
This simple marionette is surprisingly effective. The movement of the mylar skirt will enhance a trot or a gallop.
Marionette Construction and Performance

Exploring Marionette Movement
In a relaxed, playful atmosphere, concentration and observation are the focus as participants work with one, two and three string marionettes using exercises based on Albrecht Roser’s ball and a single string exercise. No prior experience necessary.

Marionette Crash Course
This workshop takes the participant through a basic understanding of marionettes, into simple construction and finish with short group performances. Each participant constructs and strings a simple head/shoulder marionette using poster board and plastic. The possibilities of marionettes will be explored using marionette performance games in small groups.

Head Shoulder Marionette
A head/shoulder marionette is a great first marionette to build. They lack lower torso and legs, so they are easier and faster to make and easier to learn to manipulate, but with great arm and head movement they can express a wide range of actions and emotions.

Corry: The Corrugated Cardboard Marionette
Corry was designed to not require any previous construction skills like woodworking or sewing. It is meant to be a first step for that person who wants to give marionettes a try. It's light-weight, but well balanced, so it moves well, but isn't too fatiguing to operate. The materials are cheap (or free) and readily available. It can be built with or without a moving mouth.

Simplified Wooden Marionette
Each participant designs and constructs a basic, nine string marionette. The primary materials are wood and paper mache. The workshop will cover various types of jointing, weight distribution, control design and stringing. Basic manipulation is also covered. Experience with wood working power tools is helpful, but not required. No previous experience assumed or necessary.